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Blockchain Secret Formula
Day 1
Day1-1-ntroduction (31:26)
day1-1-who-should-learn-blockchain (9:50)
Day1-2-what-is-included (15:07)
Day1-3-Self-Discovery-Jobs-Projects (18:53)
Day1-4-goals-and-importance-of-having-goals (9:29)
Day 2
Welcome (30:04)
What is Included (9:39)
Self Discovery (13:28)
Goals (7:20)
Context (1:55)
day2-1-who-should-learn-blockchain (9:50)
day2-2-learning-process (3:08)
day2-3-Introduction-to-database (6:22)
day2-4-blockchain-history-yepese-system (13:15)
day2-5-centralized-decentralized-distributed (9:47)
day2-6-distributed-ledger-DLT (4:21)
day2-7-decentralized-vs-centralized (1:54)
day2-8-what-is-peer-to-peer (4:37)
day2-9-traditional-database-vs-blockchain (8:58)
day2-10-what-is-group-consensus (3:53)
day2-11-internet-vs-blockchain (4:12)
day2-12-what-is-block-and-how-they-are-linked (14:25)
day2-13-types-of-transactions (1:37)
day2-14-blockchain-components (3:21)
day2-15-what-is-smart-contract (2:43)
day2-16-what-is-wallet (1:49)
day2-17-what-is-event (2:02)
day2-18-what-is-system-management (1:14)
day2-19-what-is-system-integration (1:34)
day2-20-what-is-byzantine-generals-problem (8:33)
day2-21-blockchain1_0-blockchain2_0 (10:35)
day2-22-benefits-and-drawbacks-of-blockchain (12:24)
day2-23-trustless-environment (4:05)
day2-24-merkle-tree (6:33)
day2-25-what-is-cryptography (5:34)
day2-26-types-of-cryptography (1:06)
day2-27-private-key-cryptography (2:37)
day2-28-public-key-cryptography (3:05)
day2-29-zero-knowledge-proof (7:38)
day2-30-hash-functions (3:03)
day2-31-blockchain-problem-solving (0:52)
day2-32-immutability (3:22)
day2-33-transparancy (1:54)
day2-34-autonomy (2:29)
day2-35-multi-party-transactions (5:51)
day2-36-double-spend-problem (2:23)
day2-37-decentralized-autonomous-organizations (3:00)
day2-38-blockchain-vs-convention-tech (6:47)
day2-39-blockchain-as-firmware-vs-software (3:55)
Day 3
day3-1-governance (3:11)
day3-2-representative-governance (5:07)
day3-3-direct-democracy (5:50)
day3-4-how-blockchain-fits-into-governance (5:10)
day3-5-what-is-consensus (6:12)
day3-6-proof-of-work (19:01)
day3-7-proof-of-stake (6:43)
day3-8-pow-vs-pos (2:42)
day3-9-proo-of-burn (3:22)
day3-10-proof-of-capacity-memory (2:08)
day3-11-proof-of-elapsed-time (1:37)
day3-12-proo-of-authority (2:30)
day3-13-types-of-blockchains (4:18)
day3-14-blockchain-types-decision-matrix (6:47)
day3-15-permissioned-vs-permissionless (1:54)
day3-16-ethereum-vs-hyperledger (5:50)
day3-17-pure-vs-hybrid-blockchain-platforms (3:00)
day3-18-blockchain-selection-criteria (9:09)
day3-19-blockchain-use-cases (3:18)
day3-20-use-case-pattern-and-imporant-questions-to-ask (5:07)
day3-21-what-is-smart-contract (7:44)
day3-22-blockchain-tokens-coins (3:45)
day3-23-erc-token-standards (2:55)
day3-24-what-is-gas (3:36)
day3-25-oracles (2:09)
day3-26-sample-app-walkthrough (5:11)
day3-27-DApps-and-DApp-Architecture (7:05)
day3-28-DevTools (2:45)
day3-29-sample-code-walkthrough (8:17)
day3-30-Journey-Continues (6:49)
day3-31-six-step-formula (5:25)
In common blockchain design, blockchain addresses or "accounts" are generated by
When a blockchain software is updated with new functionality that breaks or modifies
In common blockchain design, identity and transaction approval is possible through
Which types of data are able to be stored on any given blockchain ledger?
In Proof of Work group consensus, the "nonce" refers to?
Ownership or partial ownership of an asset can be tracked with which type of token?
A product’s supply chain data is stored on blockchain
Which one of the following is a consideration that must be taken into account
Transactions can be only added to a blockchain.
Proof of Stake offers which advantage over Proof of Work?
A private blockchain like Hyperledger would be the right choice for which scenario:
Which solution would best solve the product need
Which one of the following is true concerning Hyperledger Fabric?
If a company desires to create a unique cryptocurrency and launch a new blockchain network to host it.
Taking a series of unrelated transactions and writing them to a particular block is:
Which architecture would best solve the product need
Which architecture would best solve the product need?
If a product’s requirements call for public autonomous on-chain code, only using open source code
Pending transactions on the Ethereum blockchain are always ordered by highest fee paid to lowest, and then written to the block in that order.
Which technical feature of blockchain best promotes the notion of a blockchain being "censorship resistant"?
By default, who can see transaction details on a public/open blockchain?
In what way(s) can Ethereum Smart Contract functions be invoked?
The "Nothing-at-Stake" problem that could be realized by Proof of Stake networks would be caused by what?
What design to permit valid write transactions
Public blockchains can alter the blockchain ledger by:
Which of these is the name of a well known open source peer-to-peer hypermedia distributes file system?
Which of the following would create a blockchain transaction?
Which of these demonstrates the correct order of the lifecycle of a transaction on Ethereum blockchain?
Which of the following is true concerning Hyperledger Composer?
A Smart Contract needs to check the daily closing price of a stock, in order to determine how to act.
On the Ethereum blockchain the "nonce" of a transaction:
To interact with a deployed Ethereum Smart Contract, a user or app must:
When choosing Hyperledger Fabric over Ethereum is
Which factor influences the gas cost to deploy a Smart Contact on the Ethereum blockchain?
By design, permissioned blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric are not capable of creating or utilizing cryptocurrency.
How does a client app communicate with Hyperledger fabric chaincode (Smart Contracts)?
The difference between a decentralized and a distributed system is?
Which key component of the Proof of Work process would be eliminated
An on-chain Smart Contract might be considered autonomous in nature because:
Without 100% autonomy, blockchain software and networks would serve little purpose.
The reason that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin can be exchanged one with another is due
Adding more nodes to a blockchain network has which effect?
Which of following scenarios and datasets would be best suited to be utilized by a blockchain solution?
What does the acronym DAO represent?
Which of these technical components best represents why cryptocurrency is able to operate successfully?
Some of the various consensus models employed by public blockchain networks include:
Blockchains only work to store financial transactions or other exchanges of monetary value.
All blockchain networks and systems require autonomous on-chain code in order to process transactions.
The first actual known blockchain software implementation and deployment occurred:
Which of the following scenarios and databases is least suited to be utilized by a blockchain solution
What advantage over centralized systems
Blockchain systems assume all parties are trusted by all other parties in the exchange or ecosystem.
What benefit does HPE Cloud Cruiser provide?
The word "Drapp" or "DApp" is most commonly understood to mean what?
Which of these reasons is a good reason to choose a conventional database over blockchain to store application data?
Which cryptocurrency should you likely use
When specifying blockchain technologies, it is important to understand its benefits and its challenges.
What type of "bug" generally occurs when something isn’t right according to business requirements?
Ideal bug reports link the bug being reported to a
Which cryptocurrency is also known as "Smart Money" in the blockchain world
In what year did a whitepaper that was published by "Satoshi Nakamoto" outlined a solution
What is a development language which lets developers solve any class of problem in existence given infinite time and resources
When you considering developing and running dAPPS in Ethereum
Bitcoin implemented Byzantine Fault Tolerance through a system named:
What year did Hyperledger go live
What is the difference in using Go-Ethereum over Ganache?
How many members must agree
What consensus algo uses a method of sending coins to an address where they cannot be retrieved
Smart Contracts provide all the following benefits EXCEPT
There are two types of tokens in blockchain solutions
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